No Restriction VRS

No restrictions

You can also use the VRS WITHOUT weapons

The VRS offers a more professional XR environment professional users. There are no restrictions that weapons must be used. In the future, we will also use the VRS system for firefighter training and other areas.

The main focus of the VRS will be on static individual training.


  1. Fire department
  2. Rescue forces
  3. Security, management and coordination


For dynamic and / or group training we recommend our UTAV system. 

If your application area requires static single training in augmented reality, feel free to contact us - even if it is not related to firearms or force training. We are basically interested in offering our technology to a broad spectrum as possible and want to be completely flexible.

Other news

High-End VR Glasses

HTC VIVE Focus 3

Best VR technology on the market.

Quality first.

Lifelike picture quality with 2448 x 2448 resolution.



Most realistic graphics engine from the gaming sector with the best performance.

Other companies develop things that look like the bus driver simulator. 

RAMROD products are the Call of Duty among VR simulators.


Other accessories

Feedback belt that gives electrical impulses on enemy hits. 

Ballistic shield that can protect from incoming fire in augmented reality. 

Breacher door to practice the process of blasting, opening with Halligan tool, etc.

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